

What is the best way to lose weight with bad hips?

Updated: 2/19/2021
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13y ago

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Swimming or water aerobics

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Q: What is the best way to lose weight with bad hips?
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How do you lose weight in hips legs and thighs when you have bad arthritis of the back and knees and ankles?

Your exercise options are limited when you have bad arthritis. Swimming is the type of exercise that is least stressful on the joints, since the water supports your weight. You don't have to swim rapidly, either, just float around at whatever level of activity suits you. The main way in which you can lose weight is by eating less calories, but swimming will also help, if you have a place in which to swim.

Is it bad to lose 2 pounds per week?

no it isn't , it is actually good for you . If you are over weight ,it will be very important to lose weight .

Is it bad to lose weight?

it can be if you don't need to loose any:)

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You should never drop weight fast. In most cases, if you are not aided by a doctor during your weight loss, it can cause bad things to happen. Your body will not know what to do. However, if you do want to lose the weight, you can try the Hollywood Diet. It's a drink supplement that says you can lose weight quickly by drinking only that with water.

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It makes you retain water.

Are you at a proper weight at 12 you weigh 192 pounds is that bad?

I guess u should lose some weight. Sorry. I guess u should lose some weight. Sorry.

Is it bad to try to lose weight as a teen?

Yes and no, considering how your body is now. For example, it could stunt your growth if you do not need to lose weight. But if you are very overweight, then you can benefit from losing the weight.

Is rollerblading a good sport to lose weight?

NO!!!!!!!!!! Swimming is the best sport to do ~ its not like its a bad sport to do. i am pretty sure u can loose weight as long as u dont take breaks and u have a scedule of doing it

What is one of the reasons that weight lost is easily gained again?

because once you lose the weight lots of the time you start gaining back your bad eating habits. or if you lose weight too fast you will regain it

Is rapid weight loss safe?

If you are trying to lose weight and you are experiencing rapid weight loss, it can be bad if it is too quickly and you should try to balance out how you are losing weight.

Can you drink soda and lose weight?

There is no diet where you drink soda to loose fat. Usually empty sugars are bad for weight loss.

Is it safe to lose more weight when you weight 125 at age 14?

I would say if you are healthy if you stay about 100. Not that you weight is bad. 100 is very skinny.