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Pre-soak your feet, or after your shower/bath, then use a foot file or pumice stone to lightly rub on the areas that need to be softened. Be careful, don't remove too much skin! It is there for a reason, to protect your foot and if you remove it too quickly your foot can be very tender and sore. After this is done then use some type of moisturizer, lotion or shea butter (is real good).

Also use some cucumber, liquid soap coconut and Vaseline. Use the nail filer to remove hard skin while doing the process.

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11y ago
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14y ago

As we age our bodies ability to shed and remove old dead skin cells becomes less and less. Our body finds it harder to help break down the oily bonds that hold the dead skin cells together. As a result these dead skin cells accumulate on the outermost layer of our skin (the epidermis), this build up of dead skin cells gives the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and baggy inelastic skin.

One of the most effective ways to get rid of old skin is to exfoliate and break down the oily molecular bonds that hold the old dead skin cells to our bodies. Through exfoliating the dead skin cells are broken down and so to are the bonds that hold them together, the result of this is that newly rejuvenated and revitalized skin cells are allowed to show through and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles can be diminished.

One super effective relatively new ingredient that is being used in many cosmetics today to help remove old dead skin is glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is a natural acid extracted from a variety of common fruits including pineapple, cantaloupe and sugarcane.

Another way to remove the older layers of dead skin is to use a home microdermabrasion kit. These newly popular cosmetic items are made a cream containing hundred and thousands of very fine crystallized spheres. When you rub the microdermabrasion cream onto your skin, these crystallized spheres work much like an exfoliating scrub to loosen and break the bond between old skin cells forcing the body to shed them quickly. The result again is that fresh skin can show through and the bodies natural revitalization process is sped up.

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11y ago

When i first made a lip scrub, i tried salt and water, and sugar and water. When you mix the salt and water, or sugar and water, you need to put in less water than sugar or salt. It should be a paste like texture, and a little runny. Take a tooth brush and dip it in either other and scrub your lips where the dead skin is. The sugar and water should be stickier than the salt and water. If you have server dead/ripped lips like mine, then you should go with the sugar and water because, the salt and water will make your lips brun...bad(i had to learn the hard way). The salt in water still probally works better than the sugar and water. The sugar and water is for minor dead skin cases. After you finish scrubing, look to see if you still have dead skin on your lips. Apply a lip balm, or grease such as nivea, carmex, blistex, or chapstick. Avoid cheap and sticky lip glosses that will irriate your skin. If you want to go with a more natural scrub, then go with honey instead of sugar. Dont scrub to hard, and make sure you have a soft toothbrush, so you wony open the rips in your skin more.

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8y ago
1. Remove as many dead skin cells as possible by washing your feet.
2.Fill your bathtub or pedicure tub with hot water.
3.Add Epsom salt to the water once both feet are firmly planted in the tub.
4.Remove feet from salt water and wrap them in a clean towel.
5.Peel away dead skin from your feet using a clean pumice stone or foot file.
6.Soak exfoliated feet in warm water and then pat dry with a towel
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15y ago

Definitely exfoliation, but make sure to use a face lotion afterward so the skin doesn't become irritated or dry.

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9y ago

Do get rid of dead skin off your feet their are several soaking methods you can try. Listerine and vinger is one home remidy.

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13y ago

Exfoliate 2 to 3 times a week.

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11y ago

eat it

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Q: What is the best way to remove dead skin from your feet?
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The best way to apply lip scrub is to remove the dead skin cells. To know more click on styleway.mozello

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