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Give it tons of sunflower seeds.

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Q: What is the best way to spoil your new sibereian hamster?
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Can a hamster die if you put it in a new cage?

Yes, it'd be best for the new hamster who is coming in to the cage. And would be much more sanitary.

Can you get your hamster a friend?

Yes, hamsters don't like to be alone. If you are going to introduce a new hamster to an adult you'll need to be patient with it, young hamsters adapt better to new cage mates though. The best thing to do is to bring your hamster to the pet shop or with the breeder so you can know for sure that your hamster will like the new one and won't be aggressive towards it.

What will happen to my hamster because i found mold inside his water bottle what should i do?

Clean out the bottle thoroughly, or buy a new one. It could harm the hamster, but that is just a possibility. The best method is to just buy a new bottle.

What does the hamster commercial sell?

The hamster commercial sells the new Soul car

How do you spoil your hamster?

The best way to take care of a hamster: FOOD: Give them a good nutritious mix of pellets and seeds, the best seed pack brand would be fiestamax. WATER: Give them fresh water about every 3-5 days. CAGE: Clean it once a week, with new shavings, and arrange the cage exactly how it was before so the hamster won't be stressed. TOYS: Give them a good variety of chew toys, like a limestone tube, or a mineral stone, maybe blocks of wood, or apple tree sticks. You can get these all at a pet store in the hamster/small pet section. CARE: Be nice to the hamster, to coax it into your hand, have a yogurt treat, or some seeds, and put your hand at the bottom of the cage and have your hamster sniff it. if it hops onto your hand, eating the treat, slowly lift your hand up to pet and hold the hamster. Keep in mind that a hamster doesn't always like to be held, so hold them at the best time you think is possible.

Can you use the same hamster cage again after your hamster has died?

Sanitize the cage and get new bedding and the cage is good as new!

What if your hamster dies?

Then get a new one.

How much do you feed of a carrot to a darf hamster?

if it has never had some before then it can have a lot but if it is a new food then a small portion would be best or they will get diarrhea

How do you make your hamster get used to you?

If it is a new hamster then the best way is to put your hand it's the cage with a treat on it, if the hamster takes the treat and quickly runs away this is fine. Do this a few times every day and you should soon be able to start picking your hamster up without any treats. If hamster bites you whilst you pick it up this is probably because they stressed, or nervous, so just put hamster back in cage.(Don't shake hand to try and get hamser to release grip as you may injur hamster).

What do i do when my dwarf hamster can't get out of its wheel?

You probably don't see your hamster when she or he climbs. If you just added something new into your cage, your hamster will be confused because it isn't used to anything new.

What do you do if you drop your hamster in acetone?

get a new one

What direction is new hamster from Connecticut?
