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this sounds crappy but id just stop cold turkey.

but if that's hard, which it probably is.

gradually smoke less and less.

i hear that works.

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Q: What is the best way to stop smoking cigarettes?
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Which is the best way to stop smoking?

Listen to your family, and have them help you through it. Another alternative could be to use electronic cigarettes or stop smoking patches or pills from companies like Nicorette.

What is the most popular way people try to stop smoking?

Recently, the most popular way that people are trying to stop smoking is the use of the Electronic cigarettes. These are electronic cigarettes that contain none of the bad things in a real cigarette such as the tar and chemicals.

What is the best way to stop your dad from smoking?

Well I found out you can buy electronic cigarettes so check into that it's not really smoke it's water vapor

Why cigarettes good idea to stop?

Smoking cigarettes is bad for our health. Stopping smoking improves the body’s blood flow, so improves sensitivity. A perfect way to quit smoking is through e-cigarettes. You can consider trying e-cigarette instead of this hazardous tobacco cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes are one of the best ways to switch the way you intake nicotine.

You are rolling your own cigarettes with electric cigarette machine and the tabcoo keeps falling out how do you prevent this please help?

Forgive me for being a smart alec. The very best way is to stop smoking.

What is the best way to learn how to quit smoking cigarettes?

The best way to learn how to quit smoking cigarettes is to set a quitting date. Other ways to learn how to quit smoking are drink herbal tea instead of smoking, make an appointment with an acupuncturist, switch to decaf until cigarette free for two months and find a healthy snack food to eat often.

What is the second best way to stop smoking?

Eating tic tacs

What is the best way to give up cigarettes?


How do you get stoma?

by smoking way too much at least cigarettes

How do you clean your lungs of cigarettes?

Don't smoke. It destroys your lungs. Sorry if this is a bad answer because i don't know why smoking is bad but here's what i know: you're inhaling smoke when you smoke and inhaling smoke is bad.

What's the best way of stopping smoking?

There are many ways to quit smoking and for each individual, a different way could work best. There are nicotine patches, fake cigarettes, hypnotherapy and acupuncture to name but a few. There is an advice helpline for people who really want to quit and they will help you work out the best option for you.