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There are many good materials and strategies available for teachers wanting to teach Shakespeare. Here are some ideas:

1. Expose children to Shakespeare early. Even six- and seven-year olds can enjoy all the swordfights, ghosts and nifty costumes, and very quickly learn to understand and get a feel for the language. They may not understand much about the plots or characters, but when they are old enough to do so, their early exposure will have given them a stronger command of the language.

2. Shakespeare is meant to be watched, not read. Often Shakespeare's plays are the first plays people face, and it is difficult to understand that they are totally different from novels. Plays are instructions to actors. If you are not an actor, you may have trouble understanding them. If students watch first, then they can use the text to explain what they have seen and deepen their understanding.

3. Shakespeare's plays are best understood by performing them. Students should get the feel of identifying with the characters and seeing how the words they say express their situation. Depending on the strength of the students, this can be a reading of the text with assigned parts, or a full performance of a scene. Maybe both.

4. Bring creativity to bear. Students understand Shakespeare better when they are asked to create props or costumes, to visualize characters, or to animate scenes. Even posters for the play allow students to use their creative talents to explore the text.

5. Connect the action in the plays with modern ideas and practices. A high school student I know paraphrased the line from Act 1 Scene 4 of Macbeth, "From hence to Inverness, and bind us further to you" as "Hey! the party's at Macbeths'!" The idea of having a party forced on one was something easy to understand.

6. Most importantly, the teacher must learn to love Shakespeare. Unless he or she is having fun with it, the students cannot understand that Shakespeare is essentially fun and entertaining.

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