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There are various different weapons that are good to kill Zombies. But it all depends on the location, environment, and amount of the undead. The best hand weapon such as a sword or hammer would have to be the crowbar, it can shred the brain apart and open any doors if you need a quick escape into a building. the best shotgun is the AA-12. It has great stopping power and can easily kill zombies.Because of its wide range of fire, one quick aim at the head, the pull of a trigger, and the zombie is gone. Last but not least, the best assault rifle is the AK-47, now i know people say it a lot, but this gun is actually a wonderful choice for killing the undead. hope my answer helped, for any more undead questions. i will always be here to answer , I will enjoy having you on my side during the Apocalypse

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Q: What is the best weapon to use to kill a zombie?
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Whats the best way to kill a zombie?

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Shotgun, Pistol, and hand axe is the best minimal combo for stopping power and decapitation. Under only absolute last resort circumstances should combustibles (such as flamethrower, hand grenades, or any fuel based weapon) be used. Along with this you can have a butcher knife, the shovel (no zombie can stand against a shovel) or may be a hammer you can use to kill a zombie.

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How do you get a lot of money on moon zombies beginning?

You can get a lot of money this way on any zombie map. Use your pistol to shoot zombies about five times, giving you fifty points and then knife it to get 130 points, giving you 180 points per zombie kill! Don't go doing this on multiple zombies or zombies grouped/bunched together, but doing this on solo zombies will get you a lot of points on the earlier levels. After you get enough points for the random weapon crate, get a random weapon (a LMG,explosive,assault rifle, or the thunder gun is the best). Use it to kill the cosmonaut/astronaut zombie when he is near the other zombies. You get fifty points for each kill you get with the cosmonaut/astronaut zombie explosion.

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You cant kill a zombie faster unless your combat is higher and your skills are higher so if you want to kill a zombie faster use a spec (p2p) or just hope for high hits (f2p)

Can you use b.b.gun to kill a zombie?

No. If it can't kill a person , it definitely wont kill a zombie. You'll most likely tickle it at the most.

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The zombies are a suprise weapon you can use to attack enemies.

What is the best choice of weapon to kill a zombie with?

a bazooka or a Rocket Propelled grenade for thinning out numbers a double sided Axe for times without ammo and a double barreled shotgun or a glock for fat and or dangerous ones at all other times try to use a pistol

What is the best weapon to kill zombie bots on metal arms?

I had trouble with the wasteland levels to. If you have some distance between you a rocket launcher aimed at their feet but if the are already in your face use a scatter blaster and instead of waiting for it to reload change to spew. Hope I've helped