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Q: What is the big bang theory and the formation and evolution of the solar system?
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What is the name of the theory for the formation of your solar system?

the nebular theory

What is catastrophic theory of the solar system?

The catastrophic theory of solar system evolution is the idea that two stars collide. The remaining material that is expelled then begins to form planets.

What is the three theory of the formation of the solar system?

I think it is the big bang theory, big crunch theory and i don't know the other one.

What is the definition of nebulahypothosys?

The nebular hypothesis is the most widely accepted model explaining the formation and evolution of the Solar System.

How are planets made wikipedia?

If you want to see what Wikipedia has to say about this, I suggest the article entitled "Formation and evolution of the Solar System".

What begins in the process of solar system formation?

The formation of sun is the most important part of solar system formation. Sun is the reason for formation of rocky planets.

What theory explains the formation of the asteroid belt?

The theory of the asteroid belt is - it was another planet that failed to 'gel' properly at the time the solar system was being created.

What is the solar theory?

The solar nebula theory, also known as the nebular hypothesis, is the most widely accepted model explaining the formation and evolution of our solar system. It was originally applied to our solar system only but, this method of planetary system formation is now thought to hold true throughout the universe. The modern variant that is most accepted is the Solar Nebular Disk Model (SNDM). According to SNDM stars form in massive, dense clouds of molecular hydrogen called giant molecular clouds(GMC). These clouds are gravitationally unstable, and matter coalesces into smaller, denser clumps inside. These clouds collapse and form stars. This can give birth to planets under the right circumstances, which are not fully understood. So, the formation of planetary systems is thought to be a natural result of star formation. The process is thought to take at least 100 million years. Answer By: Ac loyola

Is the big bang theory a theory about the origin of the solar system?

Not exactly, it is a theory about the origin of the Universe; which does include the Solar system...

What does nebular hypothesis explain?

The nebular hypothesis is the most widely accepted model in the field of cosmogony to explain the formation and evolution of the Solar System (as well as other planetary systems). It suggests that the Solar System formed from nebulous material.

Was Extra debris was swept out away from our solar system by the sun's radiation and solar wind towards the end of the formation of our solar system?

Extra debris was swept out away from our solar system by the sun's radiation and solar wind towards the end of the formation of our solar system.

What is the role of the stars in the formation of the solar system?

the solar role