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Some of the biggest and earliest known Neolithic communities include Çatalhöyük in modern-day Turkey and Jericho in the West Bank. These settlements date back to around 7000-9000 BCE and were characterized by their large population sizes, complex social organization, and advanced agricultural practices.

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Q: What is the biggest and earliest known Neolithic communities?
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In which area did the earliest Neolithic society appear?

The earliest Neolithic societies appeared in the Fertile Crescent region of the Middle East, specifically in present-day Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. This area is also known as the cradle of civilization due to the development of agriculture and settled communities during the Neolithic period.

Were Neolithic people farmers?

Yes, Neolithic people were among the earliest known farmers, developing agriculture and domesticating plants and animals. This transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities is a defining characteristic of the Neolithic era.

Where is the oldest known Neolithic settlement?

The oldest known Neolithic settlement is Çatalhöyük, located in present-day Turkey. It dates back to around 7500 BCE and is considered one of the earliest and best-preserved Neolithic sites in the world.

What area did the earliest first neolithic society appear?

The earliest known Neolithic society emerged in the Fertile Crescent region of the Middle East around 10,000 BCE. This area included parts of modern-day Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran. The Neolithic period marked the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture and settled village life.

What is the very first community?

It is difficult to determine the very first community as human interaction and cooperation have existed since the early stages of human evolution. However, some of the earliest known communities were hunter-gatherer groups that formed around 10,000 years ago during the Neolithic Revolution.

Related questions

What are two well- known Neolithic communities?

Two well known neolithic communities are Sumeria and Mesopotamia.

What are two well-known Neolithic communities?

jericho and catal huyuk

When were the first towns?

The first towns emerged around 10,000 years ago during the Neolithic period as communities began to settle and engage in agriculture. One of the earliest known towns is Çatalhöyük in present-day Turkey, dating back to around 7500 BCE. These early towns marked a transition from nomadic lifestyles to settled communities.

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What is the city of Brigham known for?

The small village of Brigham in the UK boasts a rich history. Populated since the neolithic era, it is also one of the earliest centers of Christianity in England.

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The Earliest known people were Ciboney

What was another name for the Neolithic Era?

The Neolithic Era is also known as the New Stone Age.

What happened in the neolithic era?

The neolithic era was famous for the beginning of human technology. The neolithic era is known as the end of the stone age. You can get more information about the neolithic era online at the Wikipedia.

The period when humans first domesticated plants and animals is known as the?

Neolithic Revolution.

Earliest known people of the Caribbean were the?

The earliest known people in the Caribbean are the Taino indians

What was the earliest language of the Hebrews?

The earliest known language of the Hebrews was early Biblical Hebrew (עברית).

The new stone age was known as the?

Neolithic Era