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it's Russia.
Russia is bigger but China just has a bigger

Russia is so big that it has 7 time zones and the whole of the United States can fit inside of it's borders.

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Q: What is the biggest country in Asia apart China?
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Is China a continent or country?

China is most certainly a country, one of the biggest populated ones at that. It belongs to the continent of Asia.

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China, Russia, India

The biggest country in Asia is?

By area it is Russia. By population it is China.

The biggest country in Asia?

by population china by land mass russia

Is russia the biggest country in asia?

Yes, but the most populated is China.

What is the biggest country in the asia?

china it is the 3rd largest country in the world after Russia (#1) and Canada (#2)

What Country has biggest population in the world?

Asia. The Country has over 10 million people.

Is asia the smallest continent in china?

Asia is the biggest continent. China is a part of Asia.