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The fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) traveled with three companions at once, Tegan, Nyssa and Adric from Castrovalva through to Earthshock.

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Q: What is the biggest number of companions the Doctor has had at any one time?
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Related questions

How many companions has Doctor Who got?

The Doctor has had 29 different companions since the program's launch in 1963. There are also many other characters who may or may not be classed as 'full-time' companions.

What is the doctors biggest battle ever in Doctor Who?

The battle with daleks and all time lords.

How many companions had compiled the qur'an in the form of a book at the time Abu Bakr?

75 companions.

The Biggest Number Ever?

infinity...there is no limit on numbers as with space and time

Will Donna Noble return to Doctor Who?

Extremely doubtful, her story along with the rest of the tenth Doctor's companions were all wrapped up in the End of Time part 2, she is now happily married and very rich, it would also be hard to bring her back as she can never remember the Doctor.

How do you earn 200 Equus by playing with companions on howrse?

The only companions that give Equuis are the monkey, the goat, the hen, and the rabbit. Choose an amount of time to play with these companions, and you will eventually collect 200 Equuis.

In Doctor Who why is the Earth so precious to The Doctor?

Because earth is like his second home, where all of his friends (companions) live. His mother is also half human or is human or something. Earth is like home to him its all his got left because the home of the time lords is gone.

How much is the Dr. Who power roller case?

Doctor Who is a sci-fi show following a time traveling Time Lord and his companions on their adventures through time. The Power Rollers were released in 2008 and range between one and four pounds. They are currently not distributed in the United States.

What happens in Doctor Who?

There is an alien called the Doctor. He is the last of the Time Lords and has the ability to live infinitely. However, when his body dies, it changes itself completely, hence the new actor. The Doctor has a box called the TARDIS (time and relative dimensions in space). The Doctor travels around in time and space with his companions, who are usually Earth girls. They have adventures, make hard decisions, save civilizations, etc. Usually, when the companion leaves/ gets kicked out by the Doctor/ dies, the Doctor is sad for a while then finds a new companion. They face enemies like the Daleks and the Cybermen, and mostly don't live happily ever after.

What happened to Jack in Doctor Who?

Last seen in a bar on some far-off planet moping about the events of Torchwood: Children of Earth in "The End of Time Part 2". The Doctor, visiting all his companions before his regeneration, set him up with Alonso Frame from Voyage of the Damned before he left.

How do you level a leaping hatchling?

No companions can be leveled. They are the same level all the time.

How do you get a companion on howrse 2014?

Companions were sold on Howrse for a limited time, sort of like the Lottery; its a short phase. Only now can you buy rare horses with companions instead of buying companions to put on horses. Hopefully Howrse will bring them back