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Q: What is the biological process in which decomposers are unable to break down industrial wastes and the wastes become more concentrated as they move through the food chain called?
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When decomposers are unable to break down industrial wastes they become more concentrated as they move through the food chain This process is called biological?

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When decomposers are unable to break down industrial wastes the become more concentrated as they move through the food chain this process is called biological?

Its magnification. From Patrick Richard im 100% sure its right also

When decomposers are unable to break down industrial wastes they become more concentrated as they move through the food chain. This process is called?


When decom process are unable to break down industrial wastes they become more concentrated as they move through food chain .this process is called biological?


When decompose are unable to break down industrial wastes they become more concentrated as they move through the food chain this process is called biological?


When decomposersare unable to break down industrial wastes they become more concentrated as they move through the food chain this process is called biological?

D. Concentration

When decomposers are unable to break down the industrial wastes they become more concentrated as they move through the food chain the process is called?

magnification pennfoster students look on page 587

What breaks down organic material and coverts it into inorganic material?

No biological or chemical process can accomplish that. Nuclear processes could, but I suspect you're using "inorganic" incorrectly, and it's impossible to guess what you really mean.

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Mushrooms are vital to the environment (i.e "wild") because they are decomposers of things that are no longer living, such as trees, fruits, and animals. They speed up the decompostion process and make it more efficient.

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