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Q: What is the biological protection of the brain when malnutrition temporarily affects body growth is known as?
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Electrolyte imbalance in malnutrition?

Protein energy malnutrition affects all energy dependent processes,including ion exhange pumps that are ATP dependent.

When an enzyme affects a chemical reaction it its acting as a biological?

It is acting as a biological catalyst.

How does malnutrition effect school learning or work?

Because malnutrition affects the brain, and the strength in your body. So if you are malnutrated, then your brain will work slower, and you will feel quite tired, so you will not be able to work properly.

What is biological factor?

Biological factor-A living factor that affects the survival of other organisms

Why tires metal is alloy?

for the protection from side affects

What does entoxicating mean?

An intoxicant is a substance that intoxicates someone, which affects various functions of the body, both temporarily and/or permanently

Reports on chocolate how it affects the biological adaptation of people?

Chocolate has not really affected how people adapt.

What is the state that occurs when someone drinks enough alcohol alcohol to affect his or her brain?

Intoxication temporarily affects the operation of the brain.

What is the state of being affected by alcohol?

Intoxication temporarily affects the operation of the brain.

How does biology affects the lives of people?

biology is study of life... its really very important to learn the biological phenomenon

Why does the world community strongly condemn biological warfare as such weapons today?

When biological weapons have been used the outcome has been massive death and biological destruction. It affects all things in the area used. When Hessian used biological weapons against his people whole populations died. Since it is biological it stays in the environment and can mutate so it has been agreed not to use them.

What affects the blood in the weightlessness?

Blood is one of the few biological systems that appear to be affected very little by weightlessness and free-fall.