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Q: What is the biological treatment for hazardous waste in living organisms?
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The biological treatment of hazardous waste by living organisms?


Biological contaminants is?

Biological contamination is living organisms such as fungi, viruses, or bacteria. Biological contamination are products that can be hazardous to an animal or human.

What is a living biological entity?

A living biological entity is a living thing such as a plant, animal, bacterium, fungus, and prostist are classfication of living organisms.

What is biological contamination arising from weather conditions?

It is things like acid rain , when we let fumes and gas go into the air it enters the environment and lets it polute our earth .

What is a biological imperative?

A biological imperative is the needs of living organisms required to perpetuate their existence and survival.

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What is a living factor of an ecosystem?

Is a biological environment consisting of all the organisms living in a particular area.

Where do you find biological catalyst?

These catalysts are called enzymes and exist in living organisms.

What is needed by all living organisms to carry out all biological processes?


What does the biological mean?

Biological has two definitions. Biological is an adjective meaning "of or relating to biology or living organisms" Biological is also a noun meaning "a therapeutic substance derived from biological sources."

What is biological factor?

Biological factor-A living factor that affects the survival of other organisms