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The seagull keeps you from repairing the school bell, which is a necessary part of getting the Time Capsule.

Get the photo blowing in the air by the lighthouse, and take it to the Say Cheese photo shop. The owner will give you some diving gear, and you can dive for Cap'n Salty's lost lobster trap at Puffin Point. Cap'n Salty will give you the lobster as a reward, and you can use it to grip the lighthouse light. Turning it to the left will scare the seagull from the school's bell tower.

(see related question)

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Q: What is the bird for on big nate island?
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What is above the bird in big nate island in poptropica?

a unicorn

How do you get the bird out of the way in big nate island?

You ring the bell

How can you get the comic piece from the bird on big nate island?

The bird does not have a piece of the comic. (see related question)

How do you get the bird on Big Nate island to leave?

shine the light on it from the light house with thlobster

How do you get the comic strip on top of the school in big nate island?

aim the light from the lighthouse at the bird

How can you be big nate on big nate island?

You do not play as Big Nate. He accompanies you around most of the island, and races you on the jet skis.

How do you get to be big Nate on big Nate island?

You can't play "as" Nate, but everywhere you go on the island, he tags along.

Who is duke on Big Nate Island?

There is no Duke among the characters of Big Nate island.

What island was after Big Nate Island on Poptropica?

Big Nate Island was released in February, 2009, and followed by Astro Knights Island in June, 2009.The island after Big Nate island was Astro Knights island in June, 2009.

What number is Big Nate Island from the top?

Big Nate Island on the Poptropica map is the 9th from the top.

How can you go to big Nate island?

Go to your blimp and travel across the map to Big Nate Island.

Do you get bigger in big nate island in poptropica?

no they just call him big nate cause he lookes big on the island picture.