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Q: What is the black specks on aquarium rocks?
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If you want to plant Elodea to Triops DLX aquarium with rocks and rocks that glow in dark is it possible to add aquarium sand to the bottom of aquarium below the rocks?

yes you can

What is the relationship between specks and rocks?

SPECKS ARE DUST.....little tiny peaces of dust a rock is a big heavy solid

What are little specks that are black and come off your dog?

Those specks are flea eggs.

Are black specks in your hair normal?


Why do rocks sometimes have different colored specks and different markings?

they have differ minerals

What do you call the black plastic on an aquarium?

The black plastic around the edges of the aquarium are simply referred to as 'trim'.

What could be causing white specks on my black Toyota?

Chipping of the paint???^~^

What are these black specks that resemble poppy seeds falling from my ceiling?


Why is there black specks floating in your water?

The black specks that are floating in your water could be due to the fact that whatever the water is in wasn't cleaned good enough. It could also mean that something fell into the water.

What is the best explanation for different colored specks and different markings in some rocks?

Different elements are mixed together in rocks, which give them different colors. or striations.

What should I get my fish I want to get a betta fish a marineland contour Glass LED aquarium kit food plants and rocks?

You can get a glass LED aquarium kit food plants and rocks.