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Spleen, Splenic vein, hepatic portal vein, LIVER, hepatic sinusoids, hepatic veins, inferior vena cava, HEART (right atrium, tricuspic valve, right ventricle, semilunar or pulmonary valve, pulmonary arteries, lungs, pulmonary veins, left atrium, bicuspid or mitral valve, left ventricle, semilunar/aortic valve, aorta, brachiocephalic artery, right subclavian artery, right axillary artery, right brachial artery, then either right ulnar or radial artery to the hand

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3d ago

Blood from the spleen travels through the splenic vein and then merges with the superior mesenteric vein to form the hepatic portal vein. This vein then transports the blood to the liver for filtration before entering the systemic circulation via the hepatic veins and ultimately reaching the right hand.

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Q: What is the blood flow from the spleen to the right hand?
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Can blood clots in your hand prevent blood from going into your hand?

It is possible for blood clots to obstruct blood flow. It's not likely that all of the blood flow to your hand could be blocked, though.

Why does right hand go very cold and left does not?

It is most likely that your symptom is caused by a significantly decreased blood flow to your right hand - you should seek professional medical attention immediately.

How does Blood flow from left foot to right hand?

The oxygen rich blood is usually pumped out of the heart from the left side. It is then pumped to the various parts of the body.

What is the spleen and what does it do?

The spleen is an organ located in the upper left side of the abdomen. It acts as a filter for the blood, removing old or damaged red blood cells and helping the immune system by producing antibodies and storing white blood cells. It also plays a role in storing blood and assisting in fighting infections.

Why is your hand purple when its down and white when its above your head?

The difference of color is because of blood. When you lower your hand, more blood will flow into it from gravity. When your hand is above your head, blood flows back into your body.

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To balance the flow of blood.

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yes they are there bite stops blood flow to the hand

How is the left side of the heart different from the right?

If we consider where the blood flows in/out of the heart, this question becomes relatively easy. Blood flows through the inferior and superior vena cava and into the right atrium. From here, the right atrium acts as a primer and then flows into the right ventricle via the tricuspid valve. From the right ventricle, blood is pushed out through the pulmonary valves and into the pulmonary arteries. Note that the blood that is received and hence pumped out on the right hand side of the heart is deoxygenated. From here, the blood will flow into the lungs where it sill be oxygenated. These are the major characteristics of the RIGHT hand side of the heart.Essentially, the left hand side of the heart is the same as the right. Oxygenated Blood will flow in through the pulmonary veins and into the left atrium, which will then flow via the mitral/bicuspid valve into the left ventricle. A notable difference here is that if we consider where the left hand side of the heart must pump out to (the systemic circulation, i.e. the rest of the body), it will require more force, therefore the myocardium of the left hand side of the heart is noticable thicker and stronger than the right hand side, which must only reach the lungs.) The blood will be pumped from the left ventricle into the aorta via the aortic valve.So, as noted above the major differences in the left and right hand side of the heart are in bold - however, there are also a few more noticable features, which i will sum up in dot points below:The right hand side of the heart receives blood from the rest of the body and therefore the pressure in the right hand side of the heart will be close to 0 mmHg. However, with the left hand side of the heart, the ventricle does significant work to accelarate and force the blood out, pushing the pressure to around 120 mmHg.Finally, the Sinoatrial node (where the electric impulse of the heart begins) is located on the right hand side of the heart, just where the superior vena cava articulates with the right atrium.These last two dot points are slightly more noticable differences between the sides of the heart. Hope this is comprehensive enough :)

Should you see a doctor if you have a blood clot in your wrist?

You're going to lose your hand if you don't get the clot taken care of. It will stop blood flow to your hand and it will have to be amputated.

What side is your splean on?

Your spleen is on your left hand side.

Why does your right hand go to sleep at night?

well mine doesnt. but this could be cause by laying on it or contorting it in such a way that blood flow is restricted, like when your legs fall asleep after sitting on them.

What are the subjective effects of stopping blood flow to the arm and hand for 1 min?

Stopping blood flow to the arm and hand for 1 minute can cause tingling, numbness, and coldness in the affected limb. After releasing the pressure, a temporary sensation of pins and needles may occur as blood flow returns. This can also lead to a brief period of weakness in the arm and hand due to reduced oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles.