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Q: What is the body cavity of a shark called?
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The cavity surrounded by the hip bone is called what?

Chordates have a true body cavity called a?

yes, I think it's called coelom. An organism with a true body cavity is called a eucoelomate. This means that the body cavity exists between the inner layer of mesoderm and the outer layer of mesoderm. A pseudocelomate kind of has a body cavity but it is the space between the endoderm and mesoderm. This is not a true body cavity because it is not mesoderm on mesoderm.

What is a body cavity called?

It is the mantle.

Meaning false body cavity?

Body cavities in organisms are referred to as coeloms, and animals that have them are called coelomates. An organism that has a false body cavity, or a psuedocoelom, are called psuedocoelomates.

What is a clams body cavity called?

It is the mantle.

Why the body cavity of cockroach is called haemoceol?

the body cavity of cockroach is called heamoceol because their blood circulates in the body sinuses .these blood sinuses collectively known as haemoceol.

The ventral cavity of the body arises during development from a space called the?

peritoneal cavity.

What body cavity does a sponge have?

Sponges have no proper body cavity or coelom. However, in the everyday sense of the expression, there is a cavity inside sponges, which is called a spongocoel.

The two principal body cavities are?

There are two principal body cavities the dorsal (posterior) body cavity and the ventral (anterior) body cavity.

What are the air bags in your body cavity?

The air bags in your body cavity are called your lungs. These are the organs responsible for providing your body with the oxygen needed for survival.

What is the sponges body cavity called?

bone marrow

What is a cavity that houses body organs called?

The Abdomen