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Q: What is the body of a text?
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<body>All text goes here</body>

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What is body copy?

Body copy is what we read in publications text from stories and articles.

What is the CSS property color text?

To define the color of the text w/ CSS, it is {color:[color of text];} Ex.: body{color:#0000ff;}

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Main body of a piece of writing?


What is the main text of a book called?

I believe its the body

How do you use telegram in a sentence?

it means to text some body

What is an afternote?

An afternote is a note inserted in the main body of a text.

What is the difference between head tag and body tag in HTML?

Code in the head tag will be executed before that in the body, because of the order of page loading. Additionally, anything written to the body using the document.write method goes in the position of a script tag in the body

How do you write instead of body the text box in css?

You can write a text box in CSS styles. Just place the text styles to whatever you want in the input tag.