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"Noble gas" is not a single thing, it is a category of elements. Noble gases compose the rightmost column of the Periodic Table: Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon. All are gaseous at any standard temperature ranges.

Boiling points (in Centigrade):

Helium: -269

Neon: -246

Argon: -185

Krypton: -153

Xenon: -108

Radon: -61

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Q: What is the boiling point of noble gas?
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Do Noble gases have a boiling point?

Boiling is the transition of a substance from its liquid phase to a gas. Since a "noble gas" is already a gas it can't boil. Noble gases can be condensed into a liquid phase by subjecting them to the right conditions of temperature and pressure. This liquid can then be turned into its gas phase (aka boiled) by increasing the temperature and/or reducing the pressure.

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Due to their electron configuration, the atoms in a noble gas hardly attract each other.

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A substance's boiling point is the temperature at which it changes from a liquid to a gas.

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The boiling point, because a liquid boils into a gas.

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the temperature at which a liquid turns into a gas is called the boiling point.