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Q: What is the bony prominence on the lateral side of the foot called?
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What are foot bunyons and where on the foot do they occur?

Bunions ( medical name hallux valgus ) is a common condition affecting the forefoot in which the first metatarsophalageal joint is subluxed by the lateral deviation (away from the midline of the body) of the big toe and the medial deviation (towards the midline of the body ) of the first bone of the foot which is called the first metatarsal. This condition is often accompanied by a painful swelling over the joint called a bursa or a bony prominence. The exact cause of a bunion is not properly understood however unsuitable footwear, such as those with an elevated heel and small toebox can be a contributing factor. In addition there is a hereditary consideration with several generations of one family being observed to have bunions.

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Is your little toe lateral to your torso?

The little toe is lateral to the foot. It is distal to the torso. Lateral means to the side.

What are the bones on the end of the foot called?

the five metatarsal bones, numbered 1-5 medial to lateral

What is degenerative spurring?

The pathogenic growth of bony extensions of the foot/ heel

What is the meaning if you have lump in your foot?

A lump in your foot could be soft tissue swelling, a bony problem or a skin problem.

What muscle contract to move the foot to move it up?

The muscle that contracts to move the foot to move it up is called the tibialis anterior. It originates in the upper two-thirds of the lateral surface of the tibia.

What major nerve serves the lateral leg and foot?

deep peroneal nerve from the common peroneal never

Where is the dorsalis pedis pulse location?

The dorsalis pedis artery pulse can be palpated readily lateral to the extensor hallucis longus tendon (or medially to the extensor digitorum tendons) on the dorsal surface of the foot, distal to the dorsal most prominence of the navicular bone which serves as a reliable landmark for palpation.