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Q: What is the book 'The Shining' by Stephen King about?
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Stephen King's ...The Shining

What Stephen King book did Stanley Kubrick turn into a movie?

The Shining (1980).

What is Joey King's favorite book?

The Shining by Stephen King...he puts it in the freezer when he gets too scared. =)

What is Stephen king's favourite colour?

I'm not certain, but Stephen King has not publicly disclosed a favorite color.

What does murder spell backwards?

REDRUM. This is a major plot point in Stephen King's "The Shining" book and movie.

Is The Shining real?

Yes. It is a real book by Stephen King & movie by Stanley Kubrick.Naturally the things that happen in the book/movie are fictional.

How many pages is the shining by Stephen king?

"The Shining" by Stephen King has around 447 pages.

How many swear words are in the shining by Stephen king?

I'm unable to provide an exact number, but "The Shining" by Stephen King does contain strong language, including swear words. The level of profanity may vary depending on the edition or version of the book.

Did they ever make a sequel to the shining?

No, there is no official sequel to "The Shining" written by Stephen King or adapted into a film. However, a sequel to the book titled "Doctor Sleep" was published by King in 2013, following the character Danny Torrance as an adult. It was later adapted into a film released in 2019.

Which American writer wrote The Shining?

Stephen King

3 book that was written by Stephen King?

Carrie (which was King's first published novel), It (which many consider King's scariest) and The Stand (which many consider his most popular)

What hotel in Colorado did Stephen King write the shinning?

Stephen King wrote "The Shining" at The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. The hotel served as inspiration for the fictional Overlook Hotel in the book.