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Your brain controls Everything you do. It doesn't have a 'main' function apart from keeping you alive. There are A LOT of neurons in your brain and they pass along the information to your body to keep it functioning, conscious or unconscious. Take a psychology class, it will explain a whole lot more. There are 4 parts of the brain:

  • Frontal Lobe- associated with reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving
  • Parietal Lobe- associated with movement, orientation, recognition, perception of stimuli
  • Occipital Lobe- associated with visual processing
  • Temporal Lobe- associated with perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech
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the brain sends messages to your whole body to tell you what to do

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Q: What is the main function of your brain?
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The main function of the pons in the brain is to relay signals from the forebrain to the cerebellum. These signals are connected to a humans sleep, respiration, swallowing, bladder control, hearing, taste, and eye movement.

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The cranium is your brain. It is located inside your head and it thinks and tells your body what to do. :)

What is the function of cerebral peduncles?

Cerebral peduncles are responsible for connecting the cerebrum to the rest of the brain and spinal cord. They contain fiber tracts that carry motor signals from the cerebral cortex to the spinal cord and brainstem. Additionally, they are involved in coordinating voluntary movement and posture.

What is the use of the skull in the body?

main function of skull is to protect the very meticulous organ of human body that is brain.

What is the function of skull?

The main function of the skull is to protect our soft, fragile brains. It also helps to attach the brain and other head organs to the rest of the body by connecting to the spinal cord. Additionally, it contains the bones of the face, which help to form our appearance, and holding our teeth in place.

What do neuropyschologists know about brain function?

The graduate education and training for neuropsychologists emphasizes brain anatomy , brain function, and brain injury or disease.

Why do you need a brain?

You need a brain to function.