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Lumbar Enlargement

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Q: What is the bulge in the spinal cord called at T9-T12?
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The bulge in the spinal cord that gives off nerves to the upper limbs is called?

Lumbar enlargement.

What is Inflammation of the spinal cord called      ?

Inflammation of the spinal cord is called Myelitis.

What is spinal cord therapy called?

Spinal cord therapy

The bone that is also called a spinal cord?

the bone that is also called the spinal cord

What is spinal cord infarction?

Spinal cord infarction (sometimes called spinal stroke ) refers to injury to the spinal cord due to oxygen deprivation.

What if your spinal cord is protected by bones called?

The spinal cord is protected by the vertebrae.

When your hand touches a hot stove you immediately pull it away. this action is controlled by your?

Spinal cord. It is called as reflex action.

What protects the brain and spinal cord?

Membranes called meninges cover and protect the brain and spinal cord. The skull and spinal column also protect the brain and spinal cord, respectively. The spinal cord is made up by individual vertebrae.

What protects the spinal cord and the?

Membranes called meninges cover and protect the brain and spinal cord. The skull and spinal column also protect the brain and spinal cord, respectively. The spinal cord is made up by individual vertebrae.

For what spinal cord disorders is laminectomy prescribed?

Laminectomy is used for metastatic tumor invasion of the spinal cord (which causes compression), and for narrowing of the spinal cord (a condition called spinal stenosis.)

What is the space in backbone called?

The spinal-canal which surrounds the spinal cord .

Why they are called vertebrates?

Vertebrates have spinal cords. Invertebrates have no spinal cord.