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Nectar of flowers.

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Q: What is the butterflies main food?
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How do flies butterflies and beetles get food?

butterflies get their food by sucking nector from flowers.beetles get their food by sucking blood.

Can butterflies taste their food?

Yes, butterflies are able to taste their food. They do so with their feet.

Can butterflies chew their food?

Butterflies do not chew their food, but eat by their proboscis or tongue. The proboscis helps the butterflies to suck the nectar from flowers.

What do butterflies use to taste food?


What animals procure their food with their proboscis?


How do butterflies obtain food?

Butterflies obtain food through a special mouth part that acts as a straw. They use this straw to drink nectar from flowers.

How do butterflies and flower help each other?

Flowers help butterflies by providing them with food. Butterflies help flowers by spreading their seeds. Butterflies also help aid the flowers with pollination.

What can kill butterflies?

A shoe. Seriously, however - pesticides and chemicals can kill butterflies, while frogs and some small mammals prey on butterflies for food.

How do monarch butterflies survive without food during their winter stay in Mexico?

how do butterflies survie in the winter?

How does a chrysalis obtain food?

I don't think chrysalis/caterpillars/butterflies get food.

What are two reasons the plants needs butterflies?

Plants need butterflies for two main reasons such as pollination. Plants also need butterflies to bring other animals into the ecosystem.

What are the main animals in Africa?

Buffalos, chickens, butterflies, and camels.