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Well depending if fermentation is occuring in an aerobic (in oxygen) in produces lactic acid, mostly in the bodies of humans and animals. If its anaerobic (without oxygen) in produces alcohol, mostly in bacteria.

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2mo ago

The by-product of fermentation is typically carbon dioxide and ethanol. These by-products are produced when microorganisms break down sugars in the absence of oxygen.

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fermentation in bread induce alcohol and carbon dioxide.

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Lactic acid fermentation is the process in which sugars are converted into cellular energy and the metabolic byproduct lactate.

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Lactic acid is a chemical byproduct of fermentation in humans. It is produced when glucose is broken down in the absence of oxygen during anaerobic metabolism.

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One byproduct of yeast fermentation is carbon dioxide, which contributes to the rising of bread dough and the carbonation of beer. Another byproduct is ethanol, which is commonly used in alcoholic beverages.

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Carbon Dioxide, CO2. A byproduct of fermentation.

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No, ethanol is a byproduct of fermentation...not aerobic or anaerobic respiration

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Formic acid is the organic molecule necessary to detect mixed acid fermentation by bacteria. It is produced as a byproduct of this fermentation process and can be detected through various chemical tests.

How do bacteria produce carbon monoxide?

Bacteria can produce carbon monoxide through the breakdown of organic compounds, such as sugars, in a process called fermentation. This fermentation process can release carbon monoxide as a byproduct.

Why does ethanol slow the process of fermentation?

Ethanol slows fermentation because it is a byproduct of the fermentation process itself. As ethanol concentration increases, it can inhibit the activity of the yeast responsible for fermentation. This inhibition ultimately slows down the fermentation process.

If Lactic Acid is a byproduct of Fermentation then where is it in the formula?

I thought that the formula for anearobic respiration/fermentation was:Glucose (Lactic Sugar) ---------> Carbon Dioxide+ Ethanol+ ATPIf so then where is the Lactic Acid that's meant to be a byproduct during yogurt-making on the other side? Thankyou for your help in advance!

Does Lactic fermentation require oxgyen?

Fermentation is the name of a biological chemical reaction that occurs without oxygen. It does not matter if the sugar is lactose, glucose, fructose, or something else. One byproduct is carbon dioxide.