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Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is about 100 miles north and a bit east of Brussels Belgium.

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Q: What is the capital city that is about 100 miles north and a bit east of Brussels Belgium?
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What capital city is about 100 miles north and abut east of Brussels Belgium?

The city of the Hague is about 100 miles north of Brussels. However, although the parliament of the Netherlands is there, it is not actually the capital. Amsterdam is the capital. It is about 125 miles north of Brussels.

What capital city is north of Brussels Belgium?

Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is north of Brussels Belgium.

What country is the city Brussels located in?

No it's not. It's the capital of a small country called Belgium.

Which capital city is located 100 miles north and slightly east of Brussels?

The city of the Hague is about 100 miles north of Brussels. However, although the parliament of the Netherlands is there, it is not actually the capital. Amsterdam is the capital. It is about 125 miles north of Brussels.

Where does the North Atlantic Treaty Organization meet?

The NATO headquarters are in Brussels but meetings are not limited to this city, for example, in 2010 there was a meeting for Heads of State and Heads of Government of NATO in Lisbon in November

Where is Antwerp?

Antwerp is in northern Belgium, about 45 miles directly north of Brussels.

Where is the headquarters of the European Union?

NATO's Headquarters is located in Brussels Blegium and it started to "Keep the Russian's out, the Americans in, and the German's Down in Lord Ismay's words (First Secretary Gerneral of NATO)

How long does it take to fly from North Dakota to Brussels Belgium?

It takes nine hours to fly from North Dakota to Brussels.

What country or city is 51 degrees north and 4 east?

There' no city there. That point is in northern Belgium, about 4 miles northwest of the town of Aalst, 18 miles northwest of Brussels, and 23 miles southwest of Antwerp.

What is the country above France?

Belgium is the country that is located north of France. Belgium has a total population of eleven million people and Brussels is its capital.

What city is farther north brussels or Paris?

Brussels is farther north than Paris. Brussels is located at a latitude of approximately 50.85°N, while Paris is at around 48.85°N.

What is the distance between brussels and ghent?

Ghent is 30 miles North West of Brussels