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Depends on whether you donate in church or in the clinic.

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Related questions

Is there a link between platelet donation and a mans sperm count?

No connection at all. Platelet donation comes from a blood donation which has no link to sperm count.

how much can u make from a sperm donation?

You can make $20-50 per sperm donation, depending on the demand for your physical characteristics.

My doctor says I'm infertile. Are sperm donation clinics safe providers of sperm for in vitro fertilization?

Yes, sperm donation clinics are usually safe providers of sperm. Donors are almost always screened and asked questions about their health and background before a donation can be placed. If you are concerned about a particular clinic, ask a representative about the steps taken before somebody can provide a donation.

What are other ways to have kids?

adoption or sperm donation

Can medicad pay for sperm donor cost?

No, Medicaid does not pay for sperm donation in any way.

How much does sperm donation pay?

$60 approx. according to the Seattle area Sperm Bank.

do you get money for donating your sperm and do i have to have my id to donate?

Yes, you must have your I.D. Most donation places pay abour 20.00 per donation.

how much does a single sperm donation usually pay?

About $60 and only if someone uses it.

How much money do you get from donating sperm?

They pay per use of the sperm not on donation and it can be based on your profile as well but around $35 per use.

how much money is involved with 1 donation of sperm?

You may be able to make $45 or less for a sperm sample, provided you pass the qualification tests.

How doctors get a human sperm cells to make the woman pregnant?

From a donation made by a male doner.

How do gay people spread their genes to the next generation?

Like everyone else; by having children through sex, sperm donation or egg donation. Homosexuality, or heterosexuality, is not hereditary.