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Your body's core temperature dropping too low

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Q: What is the cause of hypothermia?
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Related questions

What can hypothermia do to you?

Hypothermia is known to cause bruising

Can hypothermia cause deaths?

sure can

Can heart problems cause hypothermia?

No. But the converse is true

What is the cause of primary hypothermia?

Primary hypothermia occurs when the body's heat-balancing mechanisms are working properly but are subjected to extreme cold.

What causes low body temp in cats?

Some things that cause low body temp are, exposure to the cold,alcoholism,possibly hypothermia, and some medications can cause this as well.

In what conditions could drinking alcohol cause hypothermia?

body temperature actually decreases.people who drink and then go out into the cold weather are at increased risk for hypothermia

What kind of situation could cause hypothermia?

being in the cold for 2 long

Can your body temperature stop your Heart?

yeah. Hypothermia and hyperthermia can cause cardiac arrest

What is a life threatening condition in which the body temperature becomes dangerously low anywhere below 95 degrees?

Hypothermia is a threatening condition, that can lead to death.

What is the plural form of hypothermia?

Hypothermia. "There are different types of hypothermia."

Can a person develop hypothermia from a seizure or aneurysm of the brain?

Hypothermia usually comes from exposure to the cold. The only real way that you could have it through epilepsy would be if someone had a seizure or had an aneurism in a very cold location and was unconscious. So the answer in reality is know, as Epilepsy and aneurysms would not cause hypothermia directly.

What would cause a low body temperature in a toddler?

It depends on how low a temperature and what other symptoms they have. Hypothermia could be one cause