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i had operation in my jaw. it was a canker, it enlarged it was found by the doctor to be cancer. the doctor cut it all out. it been one week sence the doctor started to take out the stitches at 3:00 pm .last night at around 8:00 pm i went to urinate and it came

out with a little blood first ,it did this three more times. it is 6:00in the morning.

the blood showed a little more each time.

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Q: What is the cause of protein and blood cells in urine 24 hours?
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Lymphatic Systemany other questions go to my message board and askUserDiscuss:Noel1090wiltangerI will answer questions in less then 24 hours

How can paternity be proven with blood cells?

Contained within the blood are the genetic DNA "markers". They can be multiplied by PCR in hours and compared against the baseline to determine paternity. DNA is used as it has greater stability than RNA, both can be derived and determined by viable blood cells to determine paternity.

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