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Bengal Tigers are not in fact extinct, though three sub species are. The cause of the extinction of these three sub species are over hunting, and habitat destruction. The same goes for the Endangering of the other six sub species still alive today.

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Q: What is the cause of the extinction of the Bengal Tigers?
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Related questions

How many Bengal tigers are in danger of extinction?

All Bengal tigers are endangered, as are all tigers..The Bengal tigers number around 2000 in the wild, and are the most numerous subspecies.

Who or what is responsible for Bengals tigers for being in danger?

Bengal tigers are being driven towards extinction because of destruction of their habitat by humans. Humans are the primary reason for every extinction within the last 500 years.

Is the Bengal tiger close to extinction?

There are less than 3,500 wild tigers in the world - and less than 1,400 in India. They are very close to extinction in the wild. That said- they breed well in the care of humans and the gene pool can survive if managed properly so that healthy Bengal tigers can still exist.

What are all of the types endangered tigers?

All tigers are endangered to varying degrees. The races are: Siberian, Bengal, Indo Chinese, south china and Sumatran breeds.

What does people do to stop royal Bengal tiger extinction?

To stop tiger extinction (of any kind) people ban hunting them, making hunting tigers or trading any thing from a tiger illegal.

Are Bengal tigers cannibals?

No, Bengal tigers are not cannibals.

How are the tigers habitat being destroyed?

Bengal tigers of all colors are facing extinction. This is due to habitat destruction by farmers and loggers who are encroaching on their territories. The Bengal tiger's population is increasing. India this year saw an increase from 1411 tigers to nearly 1800.

What are the Bengal tigers predators?

Bengal tigers have no natural wild predators.

Where are Bengal tigers endangered?

bengal tigers are endangerd everywhere but not in zoos

Do Bengal tigers eat their mothers?

Bengal tigers do not eat their mother.

Are Bengal tigers considered mammals?

Yes Bengal tigers are mammals.

What is Bengal tigers in Swedish?

"Bengal tigers" is "Bengaliska tigrar" in Swedish.