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the main cause of tremendous heat on eath is because of friction hope this helps

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Q: What is the cause of tremendous heat on earth?
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If the earth absorbs the heat, the earth will become very dry and superheated. This will cause many bushfires.

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No. They generated heat.

How much pressure can create one joules of heat?

Almost unlimited. Pressure is force divided by area; if the heat is applied in a very small area (small volume), even a small amount of heat can cause a tremendous pressure.

Does heat cause earthquakes?

To a degree, heat inside the earth causes earthquakes. The rock of Earth's mantle is softened by the extreme heat inside Earth, allowing sections of Earth's crust to move around. Differences in temperature create convection currents which cause that movement.

What does the heat shield do on a spacecraft?

As the name implies, a heat shield shields something from heat. In the case of a spacecraft heatshield, it shields and protects the craft itself from the tremendous amount of heat created by air friction due to the extremely high speed of the craft during reentry into the Earth's atmosphere.

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Coriolis effect and difference in heat

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The cause of evaporation is the absorption of heat from the environment.