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Q: What is the cell in connective tissue that forms new fibers?
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The cell in connective tissue that forms new fibers?


What is the cell called in connective tissue that forms new fibers?


What is a fibrobast?

A fibroblast is a cell that contributes to the formation of connective tissue fibers.

Which type of cell is NOT found in areolar tissue?

The cell type that is not found in the areolar connective tissue is chondrocytes. The three main components of connective tissue are ground substance, fibers, and cells.

What cell forms tissue that can stretch?

A muscle cell Form: stratified , elastic bands lined up side by cell it looks stripey they have fibers that have the ability to contract they are thinner cells so they are lined up side by side forming muscle SO YES

What is the connective tissue layer called that is around the muscle fibers?

Muscle fiber is another name for muscle cell. And each one is wrapped in connective tissue that is called endomysium.

Why would areolar tissue be considered the prototype for connective tissue proper?

All of the cell types found in other forms of connective tissue proper can be found in areolar tissue.

The connective tissue cell responsible for the synthesis and secretion of connective tissue fibers is?

Fibroblasts are the most common resident cells in ordinary connective tissue. Fibroblasts are responsible for secreting collagen and other elements of the extracellular matrix of connective tissue.

Which of the numbered cell types is primarily responsible for producing protein fibers found in connective tissue proper?


Connective tissue made up of cells cell parts and plasma?

this connective tissue is called lymphatic tissue!

What cell tissue may absorb and or secrete substances?

Connective tissue

A major component of the intercellular material of bone is the protein?

Connective tissue proper fluid intercellular material and fibroblasts which secretes elastic and collagen fibers, as main cell type. Connective tissue is loosely packed cells, lots of intercellular material, and vascular.