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The cell that makes up the brain and spinal cord is mainly the neuron (nerve cell). There are also other types of cells called glial cells, and within glial cells, there are astro glia, oligodendroglia and micro glia.

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Q: What is the cell that make up the brainspinalcordand nerves?
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Is a nerve a cell?

Nerves are made up of cells.

The sensory nerves and the motor nerves make up the?

peripheral nervous system

What do you call cells that make up your nerves?


What do the nerves do?

They make you not get hurt,to react. (Ex.jumping up when you get burned)

What nerves make up the spinal cord?

spinal nerve

What are bundles of fibers that connect the CNS with the rest of the body?

Bundles of fibres running between the Central Nervous System (CNS) and all the tissues of the body are called Nerves. These nerves make up the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). The correct name for the fibres in these bundles is Axons which are the long part of neuron cells carrying the signal from the cell body to the Target Tissue.

How are messages carried through your nerves?

Nerve cells send electrical impulses called synapse. These electrical stimulations travel from cell to cell, up to the brain and back. Nerves also produce different types of chemicals to manipulate the synapse.

What is the difference between peripheral nerves and cranial nerves?

cranial nerves are nerves which arise from different parts of brain that are paired and 12 pair and 24 in number. peripheral nerves are neurons that exists out side brain and spinalcord and make up peripheral nerve system.

What type of cell make up unicellular organisms?

Eukaryotic cell make up unicellular organisms.

What do the cytosol and organelles make up?

Cytosol + organelles = cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is then surrounded by the cell membrane, forming an individual cell.

What are the system of nerves that work automatically?

Collectively they make up what is known as the autonomic nervous system.

What are the twelve pairs of nerves that make up the PNS called?

There are 32 pars of spinal nerves that leave the brain and spinal chord to form the preipheral nervous system.