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Q: What is the cellular functions that occur when antibiotics attack a bacteria cell?
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Why are antibiotics unhelpful for fighting a common cold?

B. Colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics only kill bacteria

What kind of disease organisms do antibiotics attack?

Antibiotics attack bacteria, specifically (as opposed to antiviral agents or antifungal agents, for example).

What types of foreign invaders do antibiotics attack?

Harmful bacteria. Antibiotics only work on bacteria infections, any viral infection it won't.

What types of organisms does bacteriophage attack?

Bacteriophages are viruses that infect the cells of bacteria. For this reason they are commonly used as alternatives for antibiotics in some countries.

Do bacteria viruses attack and destroy other viruses?

No. A virus must attack a cellular life form in order to survive.

How do antibiotics fight bacterial infections?

The prime function of the antibiotic is to kill the bacteria. Antibiotics work in two ways. It either kills the bacteria or it prevents it. Bacteria usually multiply in the body and they have single cell. Antibiotics does not attack the cell in the body, it only attacks the virus or bacteria and destroys it. An antibiotic has the capability of changing glucose into energy. It also forms a wall to prevent the virus from getting in. Different antibiotics have different method of working depending on the bacteria. Antibiotics specifically aims and attacks the bacteria. Hence the patient is always safe. Antibiotics also avoid the bacteria from multiplying. Antibiotics are safe to humans and animals but they do have side effects at times on some people. It is always advisable to consult your doctor before taking any kind of antibiotics.

Why might you treat a bacterial infection but not a viral disease with an antibiotic?

Antibiotics have no affect on a virus, only on bacteria.

What do antibiotics target?

Generally-depending on the antibiotic- they target the phospholipids on the plasma membrane of the bacteria in your system that is making you sick. i say bacteria and not virus because viruses generally mutate so frequently that their phospholipids cannot be targeted which is why when you have the flu all that can cure you is time, you can only hide the symptoms. Think of the phospholipid as a name tag. the antibiotics go through your system and when they "see" the bacteria that matches the name tag they attack it and stick to it. This is so when the white blood cells in your system come by they recognize that that bacteria is bad because the antibiotics are attached to it and then the white blood cells kill the bacteria.

How does swine flu get destroyed without antibiotics?

You cannot destroy a virus with antibiotics, because antibiotics kill bacteria not viruses. Tamiflu and other meds similar attack the virus, but it is not always successful, as viruses are quick to mutate and become immune to antivirals out there.

Why does an antibiotic not work the same for all bacteria?

Bacteria also do evolve. If one bacteria is mutated, and survives an attack by antibiotic, he multiplies and forms more bacteria which are more resistant against antibiotic. As days of surviving antibiotics and multiplying eventually creates a bacteria which is resistant against it.

How could antibiotics killing bacteria in the large intestine cause vitamin loss and diarrhea?

The antibiotics kill large numbers of the intestine's normal bacteria, and the body tries to counteract the attack by flushing the intestines (diarrhoea). It becomes difficult for the intestines to absorb nutrients properly, and the body loses a lot of water. Once the antibiotics course ends, the surviving bacteria recover and start to multiply until the original balance is restored.

Why can't colds be cured by antibiotics?

because antibiotics stop pain and cover it up whereas a cold affects your body which is why you have to just get over it or go to a doctorAdded: Anitibiotics are effective against bacteria but NOT against viruses.