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Q: What is the central part of a stem called?
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Part of the central nervous system extending from the brainstem through the vertebral canal?

The brain stem. The vertebral canal is called the foramen magnum.

What is the stem of a tree called?

The stem of the tree is called the trunk and the outermost part of the trunk is called the bark of the trunk.

Which end is the top of the tomato?

The top is called the stem end and the bottom is called the bottom.

In botany the main central part of a plant typically consisting of the stem and root?


Potato is which part of the plant-?

The part of the potato plant we eat is called the tuber, which is actually an enlarged underground stem.

What is the first part of a word called?

The stem, or root.

What is the part of a plant stem between two consecutive nodes?

It is called inter-nodal stem

What is an atactostele?

An atactostele is a form of eustele, a central core part of a plant's root and stem system, in which the vascular tissue in the stem exists as scattered bundles.

What are the parts of a spoon?

The part that you hold is called the handle or stem, and the part you eat off of is called the bowl.

What is the thick fat part of an underground stem called such as a potato?

That is called a tuber.

Why is the brain stem called the primitive part of the brain?

The brain stem stem could be called the "primitive part of the brain" because it was the first brain structure to evolve, and is responsible for our basic vital functions like breathing and heartbeat.