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Q: What is the ceremony called reenacting the last supper?
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What Jewish religious ceremony was celebrated on the last supper?


Where did Jesus celebrate the last supper?

The Last Supper was celebrated in the Cenacle, or upper room, in Jerusalem.

Why is the Last Supper called the Last Supper and not the last dinner?

For purely cultural reasons. Some call it the last meal, for instance. To some, "dinner" and "supper" mean the same meal, for others they have both a dinner and a supper everyday, for instance on a farm: breakfast in the morning, then lunch, then dinner, then after the last work of the day, supper.

What is the first Catholic Mass called?

The Last Supper

What was Jesus last supper called?

paschal meal

What is the holy meal called in Christianity?

the last supper

What was the meal called that Jesus shared with his disciples?

the last supper

How does the Last Supper occur in the celebration of the Eucharist?

You have that backward, the first Eucharist occurred during the celebration of the Last Supper, and the second half of the Mass, called the Liturgy of the Eucharist (used to be called the Mass of the Faithful) is based on the Last Supper, and the Passover meal which is was. The Eucharist is based on the third cup of wine at the Passover meal.

What was the final meal of Jesus called?

The Last Supper would be the name of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci that fits your description. There may be other paintings by other painters, but da Vinci's is probably the most famous.

Is it true that at the last supper Jesus instituted the passover?

Passover existed before the Last Supper, so Jesus did not institute it at the Last Supper. He was celebrating the Passover and instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper.

What is the Catholic ceremony at which the Last Supper of Jesus is recreated?

The Eucharist also called Holy Communion..Catholic AnswerIt is NOT "recreated", it is re-presented as in presented again for the people here and now. It is NOT done again, NOT recreated, etc. The actual once and only crucifixion of Our Blessed Lord is made present through the motions of the Last Supper, but it is the Crucifixion, the Sacrifice on the Cross which is presented again for us.

What famous novel was the 'Last Supper' central to?

The "Last Supper" was central to The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown.