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Earthquakes in Japan are very common. Like in Minnesota, some earthquakes are so small, they cant feel them! If you mean the chances of a catastrophic earthquake, not very high. The big earthquake that just happened recently was the 4th biggest earthquake in RECORDED JAPAN HISTORY. which should tell you how low the chance is.

But if you mean the chances of a small one, still not very high, but higher than a catasrtrophic one. Japan has earthquakes a lot, and i went to Tokyo a few weeks ago, and i was there for about a week. up until the big earthquake (which was 2 days before my birthday), there werent any. But after the big one, the aftershocks were non-stop. the chance of aftershocks(which are smaller earthquakes after a regular one) are very high, especially after a catastrophic one. But dont fret- as long as you get to a safe place- like under a table or stand in a doorway- you should be just fine. Japan is a BEAUTIFUL country, and i would move there in a heartbeat!

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Q: What is the chance of another earthquake happening in Japan?
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Is there a chance of another earthquake in japan?

yes,no,maybe so

Why is the earthquake happening?

The reason for the earthquake in Japan is two plates of the earth's crust are shifting. After the earthquake, there was a tsunami, or a tidal wave, and also many aftershocks.

What is happening in japan on the 11 march 2011?

A magnitude 8.9 earthquake rocked Japan at 2:46 p.m. local time .

Is it true that Japan had another earthquake?

Yes, there was a 6.6 earthquake on April 11th. They are continuing to have earthquakes they might have another.

What event is happening in Japan?

There was a big earthquake that caused a huge tsunami, and their nuclear generators are overheating, if they explode, japan will be gassed with nuclear waste.

In which country had earthquake happened recently?

There has been many earthquakes happening like Haiti, Chile, and Japan.

Is japan going to have another earthquake?

yes it is.There is always a chance it might or might not but sometimes it takes years for another huge one to happen also there are many small earthquakes that people do not notice.

Is the earthquake in japan gone?

The Earthquake doesn't just be gone. it has effects on japan like the devastation and destruction that the earthquake has done and earthquakes don't disappear but they go away an happen again depending on movement in the earths crust if the crust slips under japan again there will be another earthquake

What happen after the Japan earthquake?

A tsunami hit japan after the earthquake.

What is happening in japin now?

Basically, Japan had a devastation earthquake followed by tsunami. Now as they are trying to rebuild, they are facing problems with radiation leakage.

Did Japan have another earthquake?

Japan experienced a 7.1 aftershock on April 8th. This is considered a related event, not an independent event.

Is there a famous earthquake in japan?

Great East Japan Earthquake / 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami