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The chances are slim I would say. I have abnormal cycles and suffer from secondary anovulation. I have a condition called PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). This causes a hormone imbalance. My cycles can be 28 days apart but also have been 6 months apart. With no pregnancy. I would contact your doctor to see if you need to run tests. Melanie if you know your body and you know that it is not normal for you to skip ovulation (if you can truly tell when you ovulate) then in my opinion you should take a pregnancy test.

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Q: What are the chances of conceiving if you have no period?
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You can get pregnant anytime. After finishing your period the chances of conceiving are very slim to slim as the days gradually pass and during your fertile time the chance of pregnancy is very high then it decreases to slim again. You can conceive during anytime but your fertile period is the best time to try.

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I wouldn't think so, but I've always been told not to have sex while being treated for a UTI because you want to keep the are as clean as possible. But I can't imagine it would harm the sperm or limit your chances of conceiving.

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