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Lol smoke weed it helps

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Q: What is the chance of me being pregnant if we used the pull out method but he smokes weed a lot?
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Is there a chance of getting pregnant if you had a sex 1 week after your last day of period and you only used withdrawal method?

Yes there is a chance of being pregnant.

When using the pull out method and not washing the penis before penetration is there a chance of you being pregnant?

1/4 get pregnant using the pull out method because there is always pre-ejaculate. So yes, you can be. Washing the penis still means there can be semen left in the urethra or new is coming as pre-ejaculate. This is not a safe method.

What are the chances of getting your period but still being pregnant?

About a 5% chance.

Is there a good chance of being pregnant if you dont use a condom and its your first time?

There is a chance that you could get pregnant. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period

If you missed13 days of birth control can you get pregnant?

Yes you can still get pregnant, but it really depends on what method you used what the chances of that happening are. For instance if you used a condom and it didn't break, slip off, or spill after withdrawing then you have a very low chance of being pregnant. Condoms when used correctly are very efficient. But if you used a method like withdrawal then you have a higher chance of being pregnant, again depending on whether the method was used successfully. I hope that helped :)

Can you get pregnant being on your last active pill?

There is a less than 1% chance.

Can yu get pregnant while being on birth control pills?

Scientists say that the chance of getting pregnant while taking the pill is near to 0,01%. So, yes, you can get pregnant, not very likely, but there's a chance.

Does it mean you have more chance of being pregnant or less chance if you get your period a day or two after having sex?

There is no chance. If you have your period, you aren't pregnant. Actually, some women have their peroids while being's not that common, but it does happen. You're more than likely not tho'. i had sex and then got my period a day or two later and i am not pregnant

Is the chance of being pregnant is less when the sperm get out of the vagina quickly?

No there should not be any difference.

You started the pill seven days ago what are the chances of becoming pregnant?

Actually even with being on the pill you an still get pregnant. Some ladies have a higher chance by being on the pill. I was on the pill and got pregnant.

Is their any chance of getting pregnant even with the protection?

Depending on what type/ how much protection, there is usually always a chance of getting pregnant. If only a condom is being used, then it is absolutely still possible to get pregnant (the condom can break). The more protection used, the lesser the chance of getting pregnant, BUT the only way to prevent pregnancy 100% is not to engage is sexual intercourse at all.

Does Becoming pregnant by a shemale increase the chance of the child being born transgender?

She male no, Hermaphrodite yes