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Q: What is the change in atomic radii for the elements in period 2?
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Why does the change for the atomic radii of elements in period 3 from sodium to argon look similar to period 2?

Because the trend is the same. Atomic radius decreases from left to right across a period.

Why does the change for the atomic radii of the elements for period 3 from sodium to argon look similar to period 2?

Because the trend is the same. Atomic radius decreases from left to right across a period.

How are period and group trends in atomic radii are related to electron configuration?

The atomic radius decreases along the elements across a period. Along a group, there is an increment in the atomic radius of corresponding elements.

Do the elements to the right of the periodic table have small or large radii?

Across a period the atomic size decreases. Hence elements in the right side of the periodic table have small size / radii.

Why are the ionic radii of metallic elements smaller than the atomic radii of the same elements?

The ionic radii of metallic elements is smaller than its atomic radii, because the ion has less electrons. This gives it a smaller electron cloud and makes the atom smaller.

What is the correlation of ionization energies to atomic radii for the elements?

In a group the ionization energy decrease when the atomic radius increase; in a period this relation is not generally valid.

How can you find out the atomic radii?

Look for a reference chart in a book or online. Look for a Periodic Table of the Elements that has the atomic radii on it.

What happens to the atomic radii of the elements as a group is descended?

As we descend down the group, the atomic radii increases. This is because the number of shells increases.

What group of elements have members of the smallest atomic radii for a given period?

Noble gases have the smallest atomic radius.

In the same period what have large atomic radii alkali metals or noble gases?

Noble gases have larger atomic radii than alkali metals in the same period.

Is atomic radii of d block elements is smaller than p block reason out?

Comparing d-block elements with s & p-block elements, it does have smaller atomic radii because of the richness in electrons & protons.

What is the relationship between the atomic numbers and ionic radii of the elements in the group 3A?

I think that the ionic radii decrease