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A change in volume is a change in volume - there is no difference.

The question, as asked, is therefore meaningless.

However if you try to compress air, its volume will decrease (because the gaseous state of matter is compressible). On the other and if you try and compress a liquid the volume will not change as the liquid state of matter is incompressible (that is why/how hydraulic machines work).

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The volume changes approximately 725 times

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Q: What is the change in volume from gaseous air to liquid air?
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Matter is liquid, solid or gases. -liquid can be chemical or water. -solid can be stone, glass or plastic or whatever which is not liquid and gaseous -gas is commonly said as air Volume is h x b x l.

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Assuming that the solid air freshener directly becomes gaseous, the process is called sublimation.

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Air is in the gaseous state. So vapour is the closest answer.

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The changing of gaseous water vapor in the air to liquid water is called condensation. If it does so high up in the atmosphere and falls as droplets to the ground we call that "rain" - but it has to undergo condensation first.

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By cooling and pressing air and then expanding it you can separate liquid nitrogen from air.AnswerThe air must be repeatedly cooled and compressed until it liquefies. The liquid air is then fractionated (allowed to evaporate under controlled conditions) so that each component (oxygen, nitrogen, argon) is released as a pure stream. The Nitrogen stream is collected and re-cooled to be a liquid for storage and handling as the volume of the liquid is much less than the gaseous nitrogen.

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When gaseous nitrogen (such as that which forms about 70% of the air that we breathe) is cooled to below -196 C (-321 F, 77 K), it will condense into a liquid state (liquid nitrogen). At this same temperature, it boils, returning to a gaseous state.

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No - petroleum is a liquid. Gas is gaseous like air but they are both flammable

The rate of condensation depends on what?

As the number of gaseous particles increase, the rate of condensation increases because more and more gaseous particles are coming into contact with the liquid surface.

What is condection?

its amzingImproveCondensation is a process in which water vapours(gaseous state) turns into water droplets(liquid state),when it comes in contact with a coller surface.Read more: What_is_condensation

What is the state of matter that describes a substances having no definite volume or shape?

Liquid state....Example----Water....========================Another opinion is required, because liquid (example: water) has a definite volume.The gaseous state (example: air) doesn't. No matter what you put 1 gram of air in,it will always fill up the entire container, and take the same shape as the container.Gas has no definite volume or shape of its own.