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Graphite is black soft and lustery.

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Q: What is the characteristic of a graphite?
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Diamonds and graphite may seem very different however they share a characteristic What is that characteristic?

Both diamonds and graphite are made up of carbon atoms. The difference lies in how the carbon atoms are arranged structurally, with diamonds having a rigid, three-dimensional crystal lattice while graphite has a layered structure.

Does Graphite leave a clear streak?

Yes, graphite leaves a dark gray to black streak when rubbed against a surface. This streak is a characteristic property of graphite that helps differentiate it from other minerals.

Diamonds and graphite may seem very different however they share a characteristic. What is that characteristic?


What is the composition of Graphite Schist?

Graphite schist is primarily composed of the mineral graphite, which gives it its characteristic dark color. It also contains other minerals like quartz, mica, and feldspar, along with variable amounts of other accessory minerals depending on the specific geological formation.

What is the correct label for pencil lead?

The correct label for pencil lead is "graphite."

Is graphite a resource?

No, graphite is not renewable.

What is graphite's transparency?

Graphite does not have a transparency.

Where does graphite come from?

Graphite mines

Is a non metallic conductor?

Water Graphite is an excellent electrical conductor.

What are some of uses of graphite?

carbon and graphite are one in the same, graphite is a form of carbon a use for graphite is the lead in your pencil (it's not actually lead, it's graphite) and it is also a good lubricant ;)

What is the graphite solvent?

Graphite is practically insoluble.

Is graphite mineral?

Yes Graphite is a MINERAL!!!!