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The charge would be "being found in possession of drugs paraphanalia".

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Q: What is the charge for a unused meth pipe if caught by police?
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Related questions

What state will extradite for possession charges of meth?

All of them and then that depends on exactly how much you got caught with and if it is a simple possession charge or a sales or manufacturing charge. If you got caught for simple possession, no they wont. But, if you got caught with 3 grams or better and charged with Sales or Manufacturing, you better believe they will come and get you.

What if you are a nurse caught positive on meth?

you will be fired.

Can the police charge you with drug paraphernalia for having a new meth pipe?

Drug Paraphernalia laws vary by state, but in most cases, yes, you can be charged for having a meth pipe. It does not matter if it has been used or not. If the intent is to use it for illegal means, then you will be charged.

How do you report a meth in southern Illinois?

call the police

What is charge bath salt?

it's meth don't do it.

How do you get a meth dealer caught?

Call the non-emergency number for the police department where the dealer does his business. Ask for the number to the narcotics unit or to be transferred to them. You would give them any information you have, and if there is enough to go on, they will take it from there.

What would happen if you got caught with 56 grams of meth?

prison time

Does the police test paraphernalia for meth?

Yes, seen it on tv Cops show.

How do you make meths?

You can not legally make meth, it is an illegal substance. Answer. Or you can call your local police station and see if they have any tips for making legal meth.

How fast can you flush meth and how?

Drinking a lot of water and cramberry juice can help the body get rid of meth. You shouldn't do any if you had police trouble. They will check on you everytime they pull you over. And if meth is found again in your body. This time you'll go to jail.

Can a 18 year old do crystal meth?

Yes, he can do crystal meth along with a lot of other stupid things. He can also get charged with a crime if he is caught with it. He can get addicted to it and ruin his life as well as the lives of those around him. Google images of crystal meth users sometime. Use Google to find out what addicts think of crystal meth.

When did Lawrence county judge Patti McGuire get caught with illegal drugs?

I have no sources, of course no one will, but she was caught in Nashville selling meth. Enough to put you or me away for life, and what does she get? Ankle jewelry