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There are many places but you may find the best deal on ebay. By Mr. Happy Guy.

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Q: What is the cheapest place should you go to buy a green Luke Skywalker FX lightsaber?
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Will you find a cheap Luke Skywalker green fx lightsaber?


Where can you find a cheap green luke skywalker lightsaber?

I recommend Craigslist.

How do you take off the blade for a Luke Skywalker Green Ultimate FX Lightsaber?

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What colour is luke skwalkers lightsaber?

Luke Skywalker's original lightsaber, from Obi Wan Kenobi, was blue. However, in a fight with Darth Vader, he cuts off Luke's hand with the blue lightsaber. After this, when he got a new hand, Luke decided to get a new lightsaber. The new one was green. P.S. Skywalker is not hyphenated.

What color is Darth Vader's lightsaber beam?

Green when he was a Jedi. Yes, but before he completed his training he had his father's (Anakin Skywalker also known as Darth Vader's) blue lightsaber. If his father hadn't cut off Luke Skywalker's hand, he would probably still have the blue lightsaber. And Darth Vader lost a valuable memoir by losing the blue lightsaber. After Luke lost his hand, he had to get a new lightsaber, which was green and that was the color he preferred than blue. And in my opinion his new green lightsaber is better. Luke later retrieved Anakin's saber and gave it to his wife Mara Jade.

Who made Anakin Skywalkers lightsaber?

Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber was made by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. It was eventually passed down to Anakin's son, Luke Skywalker.

Why does Luke Skywalker begin training with a green lightsaber?

It is tradition for a jedi to build his/her own lightsaber once their teacher believes they are ready. The blue one was Anakin's lightsaber, so Luke (I believe it is in the book Shadows of the Empire) that he builds his own. <><

What is the name of the sword-like weapon that Anakin Skywalker uses?

Lightsaber, his is blue (I think) until he becomes Darth Vader when it is red, like all the other Sith. Every Jedi has a lightsaber and the most common colours are blue and green, but Mace Windu has a purple one.

What color is Yoda's lightsaber?

Yoda carries a green blade in combat.

Who on Star Wars had a yellow lightsaber?

Plo Koon has a yellow lightsaber (The guy from ROTS That was in his Jedi fighter when he got shot down by a clone pilot bhind him. The funny thing is that in The Clone Wars, he has a green lightsaber. He must have lost it and replaced it with a yellow one). ---- Edit: In The Clone Wars, season 3 has Ashoka Tano two lightsabers, green one and yellow one (yellow in right hand)

What color would your lightsaber be?

Blue. I like blue.

How did artoo get the green lightsaber for luke?

At the end of Episode 3 the video game, there is a bonus mission where the Emperor hands you your new lightsaber. Even though that scene is not canonical, I still think it holds true in the fact that it is presented to Vader by the hands of palpatine.