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Q: What is the chemical called used to embalm the organs?
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Chemical used to embalm the mummy's organs?


What did the egyptians use to embalm the organs?

The ancient Egyptians used a chemical called Natron to embalm both the organs and the bodies of mummies. Natron is a naturally occurring salt that is very abundant in Africa, often found in dry lake beds.

The chemical used to embalm the organs?

Bitumen was used to embalm bodies of dead Egyptians that were being mummified. They also used palm wine, natron and resins in the process.

What was used to embalm the organs of the mumies?

embalming fluid

What is a chemical used to preserve bodies?

there is not a chemical but more like a sticky sap called resin that was used to embalm or preserve bodies of the wealthy & pharaohs

What was the chemical was used to embalm the organs?

salt More specifically, natron, which is a salty ash-like mineral in dry lake and river beds. This, specifically, is what the ancient Egyptians used in their preservation of bodies and organs.

What chemical was used to embalm a mummy's organ?

salt (correct word is natron)

What was the salt like chemical that was used to embalm the organs?

Natron, the name of a naturally occurring sodium carbonate compound, was used in the embalming process during the preparation of mummies. Deposits of this mineral were mined from dry lake bottoms in Egypt.

What is the chemical used in Ancient Egypt to embalm the organs?

I assume you mean in ancient Egypt. Actually, they used salt, and let it sit.A variety of chemicals are used to embalm bodies to prevent decomposition. Most commonly formaldehyde, methanol and ethanol are used, along with some other solvents.In mummification the body was preserved using natron, a salt-like substance, and the organs were removed and some of them were placed in small jars.

What was the chemical that was used to enbalm the organs of mummys?

Natron was used on mummies.

What chemical was used to stuff organs?

it was a mix of alcahol and honey

What do people use today to embalm an organ?

Today, formaldehyde-based embalming fluids are commonly used to embalm organs. These fluids help preserve and protect the tissue, prevent decomposition, and maintain the organ's integrity for study or research purposes.