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The ancient Egyptians used a chemical called Natron to embalm both the organs and the bodies of mummies. Natron is a naturally occurring salt that is very abundant in Africa, often found in dry lake beds.

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Q: What did the egyptians use to embalm the organs?
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Chemical use to embalm the organs in mummies?


The chemical used to embalm the organs?

Bitumen was used to embalm bodies of dead Egyptians that were being mummified. They also used palm wine, natron and resins in the process.

What did egyptians embalm other than humans?

The Egyptians were known for embalming their people after death. They would also embalm their cats, dogs, beetles and other pets.

What did Egyptians embalm?

Your question isn't really clear. Ancient Egyptians embalmed when somebody died. If you mean WHY did they embalm, they did it because they wanted to prepare the dead for the afterlife. If you mean HOW did they embalm, they cut the organs out of the body, but for the brains they stuck a red-hot poker up the nostrils of the dead, and pulled the brains out through the nostrils. The organs were taken and put in canopic jars, so the dead would have access to them in the afterlife. Hope I helped!

Chemical used to embalm the mummy's organs?


What was used to embalm the organs of the mumies?

embalming fluid

What is the chemical called used to embalm the organs?


What did ancient Egyptians use to remove stomach organs?

The Egyptians would cut open the body and use their hands to remove the organs and guts

What was the chemical was used to embalm the organs?

salt More specifically, natron, which is a salty ash-like mineral in dry lake and river beds. This, specifically, is what the ancient Egyptians used in their preservation of bodies and organs.

What chemical did the egyptians use to embalm the organs?

I could be wrong, but I don't think they did preserve the organs. They were removed from the corpse and placed im four jars, whose lids were moulded in the shape of the heads of the sons of Horus. The internal organs and brain contain so much water that preservation is a very difficult task.

Did people kill egyptians so they could embalm them plus their pets?


Beside human beings what did the Egyptians embalm?

animals such as cats and dogs