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i think it fe+s=fes(iron dulphide)

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Q: What is the chemical reaction for iron sulfur?
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What type of change is it when you heat a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur iron?

It is a chemical reaction

What is the chemical reaction for iron plus sulfur yields iron II sulfide?

Fe + S --> FeS

When a mixture of iron and sulfur are heateda compound called iron sulphide is producedwhat type of change is this?

It is a chemical reaction

Have iron and sulfur undergone change in properties after mixing?

No. Making mixtures are physical changes and the chemical substances will not change.

Is mixing iron filing and sulfur is a physical change?

It's just physical, unless you heat the mixture. The simple combination of iron and sulfur is a physical mixture: It can be separated with a magnet, and the iron and sulfur are still themselves. The situation changes if you heat the mixture hot enough to start a reaction between the sulfur and iron. If you do so, assuming the ingredients are in the right proportions, you'll have iron sulfide (a compound) and no free iron or sulfur will remain. In that case, you have a chemical reaction.

Did a chemical reaction take place when sulferpowder and iron filling were mixed without heating explain your answer?

No, the sulfur and iron still have their individual properties. Iron is still magnetic and the sulfur can be dissolved by carbon disulfide leaving behind the iron.

When iron and sulfur mixed and formed a partially magnetic black and yellow mixture this is an example of a?

Without a chemical reaction this is a mixture.

How is iron sulphide a compound and not just a mixture of iron and sulfur?

Because in a chemical compound is a chemical bond between the elements. From a mixture of iron and sulfur iron can be separated with a magnet.

Metallic Iron was heated with solid sulfur to form a single solid sulphate what is the balanced chemical reaction?

2Fe + 3s = Fe2S3

After a mixture of iron and sulfur are heated and then cooled a magnet no longer attracts the iron How would you classify the resulting material?

A chemical reaction has ocurred her and it has now formed a compund.

Are Pyritre Rocks Chemical or Mechanical?

The mineral pyrite is composed of iron and sulfur. FeS2. And is created by a chemical reaction between the two under certain geologic conditions.

What mineral is made by sulfur and iron and is also a mixture?

Pyrite is made of iron and sulfur and is the compound iron sulfide with the chemical formula FeS2. It is not a mixture of iron and sulfur. The iron and sulfur are chemically combined to form a compound.