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Q: What is the chemical symbol for an ammonium ion?
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What is ammonium ion as an element?

Ammonium is an ion not an element; the chemical formula is (NH4)+.

What is the chemical formula for ammonium?

NH4+The ammonium ion is (NH4)+.

Formula for the polyatomic ion ammonium?

The chemical formula of ammonium is (NH4)+.

The ammonium ion is represented by the chemical formula is?

An ammonium ion is NH4+ (1 nitrogen, 3 hydrogen atoms and a hydrogen+ ion)

Which is the chemical fomula for the ammonium ion?


What is the ion symbol for ammonium?


How many types of chemical bonds are there in ammonium bromide?

Two. covalent bonds in the ammonium ion NH4+ and ionic bond between the ammonium ion and the bromide ion, Br-

What is chemical symbol of ammonium carbonate?

(NH4)2CO3 is the chemical formula for ammonium carbonate.

What is the chemical symbol for boron ion?

the chemical symbol for boron ion is B+++

What compound does NH4CN make?

The cation is ammonium ion. Cyanide ion is the anion. The systematic name for this compound is Ammonium Cyanide.

What is the formula mass for the ammonium ion?

The chemical formula of the ammonium ion is NH4+. Formula mass of NH4+ = 14.0 + 4(1.0) = 18.0

What is the ion symbol for boron?

the chemical symbol for boron ion is B+++