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The chip in the passport is the RFID chip. This is a security chip where the identification and information of the holder is also stored. Border patrols and Immigration may scan this to a passport scanner to know that the passport is valid and legal.

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Q: What is the chip in the passport for?
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Can you have your non micro chip passport micro chipped?

Unfortunately, no you cannot. The US Government requires that in order to get a micro-chipped passport, you must get a new passport.

How does the us check to see if you have a criminal record?

Usually through fingerprint Scans or if in the case of travels, your passport's RFID chip.

What things are in a passport?

Things like your picture and personal information like social security numbers etc. You need a passport to travel out of the country so the government can keep track of who is going where in the world. -Lonely Love In addition to the above. New British passports can hold your Iris and other information on a chip that is incorprated into the passport

Do you need the new type passport for the USA or will the one before the brand new one still be ok it has a chip built into the back of the book but is not hidden like the brand new one?

You do not need to get a new passport to the USA if you still have the old one in good shape.

Does Egyptian passport have a passport number?

Yes. Virtually any passport has a passport number

You do not have your US passport with you How do you get the number of your passport?

You Don't. You need to have a passport in order to have a passport number.

Can you get a copy of your passport if you have a passport card?

The passport card itself is the passport. However, it has its limitations in use as compared to the traditional book passport.

Name a kind of chip you cant eat?

A poker chip. A wood chip. A computer chip. A cow chip. A chip off the old block. A chip on the shoulder.

I've lost my US passport but have the passport card is there a passport number on the passport card?

There is a "Passport Card No." on the top right on the front of the passport card. But it has nothing to do with your passport booklet. You should notify the police as soon as possible.

Can you get the passport number before issue of passport?

No you can't. Passport number is only written in your passport booklet.

Where can you find passport book number in Malaysia passport?

The Malaysian Passport does not have a Passport Book Number.

Do you get your passport number when you apply or when you get the passport?

Usually when you have the passport at hand. It is stipulated in the top right corner of the passport