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3d ago

The class name for cartilaginous fishes is Chondrichthyes. These fishes have skeletons made of cartilage instead of bone, and include species such as sharks, rays, and skates.

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Q: What is the class name for Cartilaginous Fishes?
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What is the name of the family of chondrichthyes?

first, its a class. second they are cartilaginous fishes

Sharks and rays are examples of what kind of fishes member of the class?

Cartilaginous Fishes

What does that class chondrichthyes include?

Cartilaginous fishes

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Rays are relayed to skates, chimeras, and sharks in the class Chondrichthyes, Cartilaginous fishes.

What kind of fishes are sharks and rays members of the class Chondrichthyes?

Cartilaginous fish.

What class of fish includes Sharks rays and skates?

They are members of cartilaginous class of fish.

Are sharks and rays examples of what kind of fishes members of the class Chondrichthyes?

They are members of cartilaginous class of fish.

What Sharks and rays are examples of what kind of fishes members of the class Chondrichthyes?

They are members of cartilaginous class of fish.

What class of fish do sharks belong to?

Sharks belong to cartilaginous fish. (Chondrichthyes)

Compare how modern jawless fishes and cartilaginous fishes feed?

Jawless fishes are voracious feeders while cartilaginous fishes are predators with a various diet.

Both bony fishes and cartilaginous fishes have?

it has denticles

What is 'Chondrichthyes' in English?

Cartilaginous fishes is the English equivalent of 'Chondrichthyes'. The Greek word is the scientific name for the class that includes such fishes as stingrays, sharks, and chimaeras. In the word by word translation, 'chondr-' refers to cartilage that totally replaces bone in such fishes. The noun 'ichthyes' refers to 'fishes'.